The Wrap Up

This semester, my assignment for my social media class was to blog every week. I chose to format this blog as a personal diary of experiences. This was a huge challenge for me!

You would think talking about your week would be an easy subject. Let me tell you that it is not. Week after week I had to try to come up with ways to talk about my life while following specific parameters. First thing I found out? My life is not that interesting.

Either way, I’m glad I was able to record some parts of these last few months. Once I could figure out what I wanted to blog about, I had a lot of fun doing it.

Will I continue blogging? That is yet to be decided. I want to start a Latin food cooking blog but for that I need time actually to try the recipes! For now, I need a writing break. My brain is completely fried after this last year of working on my Master’s full-time and job searching. Both tasks have come to a fruitful and happy ending (thank God!), and now I want to relax and enjoy the new adventure that begins.

After having blogged for the last year (I have another blog about digital marketing), letting go of this discipline might be a little hard, so maybe I’ll be back right after Christmas. Stay tuned for updates.

Happy holidays everybody!

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